Basic Cooperative Principles

    Dear customer, thank you for your order!

    Please be advised that, for the sake of transparency and partnership of cooperation, the implementation of the contract will be based on the following rules:

    1. The course of the order fulfillment period by Eko-Okna S.A. begins after the payment of 30% to 75% of the advance payment on the order depending on the value of the order:
      • up to EUR 10,000 an advance payment of 30%
      • over EUR 10,000 an advance payment of 75%
      Eko-Okna S.A. may set a different level of the advance payment, irrespective of the above-mentioned amounts, which will be previously agreed and confirmed with the Buyer.
    2. The advance payment is non-returnable and is forfeited to Eko-Okna S.A. in the event of the Buyer's resignation from the order or in the event of the inability to deliver the goods due to non-payment of the remaining part of the price prior to the delivery of the goods. If the order is being processed – with the express consent of Eko-Okna S.A. no advance payment – if the Buyer withdraws from the order from the moment of order confirmation, the Buyer is obliged to pay to Eko-Okna S.A. the equivalent of your order to cover the damage caused.
    3. The ownership of the delivered goods is transferred to the Buyer only upon full payment of the sale price.
    4. Before the shipment of the goods, the customer is obliged to pay the remainder of the sale price. Eko-Okna S.A. sends the goods to the Buyer only after the total price of the order is credited to his invoice. On the day of delivery at the latest, the remaining price value must be credited to the Seller's invoice.
    5. In individual cases, requiring prior written agreement with Eko-Okna S.A., the goods will be shipped without paying the full price, provided that the Buyer is obliged to pay the missing amount until delivery of the goods to the place of unloading.
    6. If, in the case described in point 5, the payment is not received by the time of delivery of the goods to the place of unloading, the goods will be unloaded only when the Buyer pays at the place of unloading with a payment card or in cash before unloading.
    7. Eko-Okna S.A. do not consider the presentation of the transfer confirmation document in electronic or paper form to be sufficient to confirm the payment made. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the payment is considered to be the transfer of funds to the account of Eko-Okna S.A.
    8. The Buyer is obliged to bear the costs of the truck downtime caused by Eko-Okna S.A. waiting for on the impact of payment for the goods. The buyer undertakes to bear the costs of returning the goods to Eko-Okna S.A. in the event of its non-discharge due to non-payment of the full price.
    9. The rules described in points 4–7 do not apply to Buyers who have been awarded by Eko-Okna S.A. credit limit.
    10. The rules described in points 1–7 will be individually modified by Eko-Okna S.A. in relation to Buyers who do not fulfill their obligations towards Eko-Okna S.A. on time.
    11. Any quantitative deficiencies and visible physical defects of the goods should be reported by the Buyer upon their receipt at the Seller's premises or, in the case of their delivery, at the place indicated in the order, and marked by the Buyer in a separate report. If the contract is performed with the participation of the carrier, he is entitled to participate in the preparation of the report.
    12. Loss, damage and other defects that were not noticed at the time of receipt of the goods (hidden defects) should be reported to the Seller not later than within 7 days of their disclosure. The Buyer is obliged to inspect the delivered goods immediately, but not later than within 7 days from the date of their release. Along with the complaint, the Buyer is obliged to provide all the necessary data requested by the Seller along with the presentation of the photographs taken.
    13. Reporting damage to the goods or its non-compliance with the order after the deadline indicated in point 11 will not be taken into account, unless there are particularly justified premises shown by the Buyer.
    14. Any other defects of the goods revealed in the course of normal use may be reported under the provided quality guarantee. The complaint should be made via the complaint form available under the link COMPLAINT FORM. The Buyer accepts the fact that the complaint will be recognized on the basis of the rules of the complaint validity regulations at the address REGULATIONS FOR COMPLAINTS.
    15. The performance of the warranty provisions and liability for any defects of the subject of the sales contract shall take place only after the Buyer has paid the full amount indicated in the VAT invoice (point 4.1.) To Eko-Okna S.A.
    16. In the event of failure to collect the properly delivered goods at the place of delivery or in the event of failure to deliver the goods by the driver due to non-payment, the goods will be transported to the headquarters of Eko-Okna S.A. For the re-transport of the goods, the Buyer will be charged a transport fee depending on the distance to the place of delivery, but not less than EUR 150. In addition, for each unclaimed or unreleased window, or any other woodwork element, due to non-payment, the Buyer will be charged a fee of EUR 25 per week of storage of the window.
    By signing this order, we accept the above-described basic principles of cooperation and the „REGULATIONS FOR COMPLAINTS” and „GENERAL BUSINESS CONDITIONS (GTC)”.

    Eko-Okna S.A.
    Kornice, ul. Spacerowa 4
    47-480 Pietrowice Wielkie
    NIP: 6391813241
    KRS: 0000586067

    Olszyny 9
    44-373 Wodzisław Śląski

    Naftowa 23
    47-225 Kędzierzyn-Koźle